ChemCentral Weill Neurosciences


ChemCentral in the Weill Neuorsciences Building is located Room 167 on the first floor around the corner from Central Sample Storage. This room is most easily accessed by the back service elevators serving the research floors. 

Each of our stockroom locations has a 24/7 Self-Checkout Station where you can purchase our products directly with no wait time. To get access to our ChemCentral stockrooms, fill out our SmartSheet form and we will be able to grant access within 24 hours.  

Chemical Receiving

All hazardous chemicals are centrally received, inventoried, and same-day delivered to laboratory Drop Zones by ChemCentral staff. We will then reach out to whom the item was addressed to to inform them a delivery has been made. The receiver is responsible for physically moving the chemical from the drop zone to the proper storage location (i.e. flammable cabinet). After the items are picked up, the researcher will need to accept our transfer request under "Pending Transfers" on Chemicals. Down below is our guide with instructions on how to do so.

ChemCentral Accepting Transfers Guide

Chemicals bought through BearBuy with the commodity code 0025 - hazardous chemicals will have the ship-to address for that line automatically changed and rerouted to our ChemCentral address and room during the checkout process. Once the chemical arrives, it will be unpackaged, tagged and inventoried and all excess shipping material will be tossed saving researchers time by taking care of these extra steps for them. 

We also can help remove chemicals from lab's inventories. RFID inventory tags from spent chemicals can be returned to the Drop Zone for ChemCentral Staff to remove from the inventory.


ChemCentral account must be made prior so that we can process your orders and link the purchase with your lab's account and inventory information. 

Purchases from the stockroom can be made through RSS Marketplace, a software suite that actively communicates with other UCSF software including Lab Hazard Assessment (LHAT) and UC Chemicals. Common reagents are available to purchase on-site with no markup from BearBuy prices. We also carry a variety of Polycarbin lab plastics including pipette tips and conical tubes.

View Weill Neurosciences Product List

ChemCentral at Weill Neurosciences – Purchasing Workflow


Down below is a list of reference guides that will help get your lab started with our program! For additional information, please visit the ChemCentral FAQ or contact [email protected].

Need help setting up your lab's account? Fill out our Smartsheet for Account Activation and we will do the rest for you!