Here to help the science community by providing quick and efficient service to researchers. Stop by one of various locations all across campus!

Account Activation
Need help setting up your lab's account? Fill out our SmartSheet and we can do the rest!

Including labs located in Genentech Hall and Rock Hall where our services will soon be open.
Lab Coats and Safety Eyewear Under New Management!
ChemCentral is now managing the Campus lab coat distribution and laundry services at UCSF! Safety Eyewear is also now available through us!
ChemCentral at Byers Hall/Genentech Hall Coming Soon!
ChemCentral will be opening a location at Byers Hall/Genentech Hall! It will be opening mid to late 2024.
New Chemical Receiving Locations!
Chemical Receiving will start in Rock Hall/Sandler building in Fall of 2024. Parnassus will be the next location and will start in late 2024 / early 2025. More information coming soon!
Great Lab Coat Return!
Help keep PPE free! Return your extra lab coats to ChemCentral.

What we do.

ChemCentral provides comprehensive chemical management to select UCSF buildings. This includes onsite stockrooms for common research materials, and central receiving, unpackaging and inventory of all chemicals.


                              ChemCentral Parnassus 

                    ChemCentral Weill Neurosciences

                                ChemCentral Pride Hall 

                  ChemCentral Byers/Genentech Hall (Coming Soon!)


Contact Us

Have ChemCentral questions?

[email protected]